You can send us your request for dealership by filling out the form below
Prime Loft, Best stylish design with Prime Loft serie...
Prime Elements
Mina, imagine a design with hot, white and magic lines.This is Mina...
Grano, a combination of the simplicity of white and cream colors with an asymmetrical design...
Grano Slim, first time in Turkey functional thin button, Grano Slim, for those who are looking for individuality...
Group sockets and Accessories, Ovivo Elektric are offering you high-quality group sockets and accessories for all areas of the market...
OVIVO's new investment! Stronger and with good hopes...OVIVO is giving a new start in PRODUCTION with a new FACTORY in also ALGERIA! We kindly express our gratitudes towards all our team and esteemed business partners...
We will participate in the exhibition of smart building technologies and electrical systems, which will be held in Ankara from 22 to 25 November 2018. We will be glad to see you at our booth at ANKARACONGRESIUM.
New Prime Loft and Prime Elements series are on sale now ...
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